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Form 1040 (Schedule D) Birmingham Alabama: What You Should Know

American Savings Bank of Alabama An official website of The American Savings Bank of Alabama. Here's how you know. Bank of America An official website of the Bank of America Corporation where you can find financial health and financial planning in addition to the traditional banking services provided by your local banks. Bank of the Ozarks An official website to the Arkansas State government. Here's how you know. Bankruptcy and Liquidation Services (CASE) The Division of Court Administration in the United States Department of Justice's U.S. Department of Justice and the Attorney General's Office are the law enforcement and bankruptcy defense arm of the federal government. This website gives you answers for almost any question you could have regarding this organization. The Division of Business Licensing and Consumer Services in the United States Department of Economic Development (DOL-ED) is the federal government agency that licenses and regulates businesses in the state of Arkansas, the country's second-largest economy. Through DEP, the State Division of Licensing and Regulation supervises and enforces every aspect of the state's business licensing laws in compliance with federal and state laws while also regulating all aspects of the state's consumer protection laws.  The Federal Trade Commission is a federal agency under the authority of the United States Congress. The FTC's mission is to protect and promote the health, safety and economic welfare of the American public by promoting competition, consumer choice and innovation; and by promptly and fairly resolving disputes between consumers and advertisers. The FTC prosecutes and has obtained judgements against companies that violated the federal consumer protection laws, including unfair or deceptive acts and practices. Estate Planning Service (EP/L) The “Executive Order on Estate Planning” was signed on May 19, 1994, and directed all states to develop policies to ensure that all estates be left in the hands of their heirs at death. For more information about the Estate Planning Service, go to www-nps.ncsu.edu/eos/index.html. A-1 Trust The A-1 Trust is administered by the Arkansas Department of Revenue. The information and documents required by A-1 Trust are found in its Trust Documents. A-1 trusts provide a means for spouses to leave money to each other until a death. Each spouse may establish a separate trust that is administered by a family member. The A-1 Trust gives the spouse the option of leaving the money in the trust to the spouse, or to keep the money in his or her name.

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