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Form 1040 (Schedule D) for Waterbury Connecticut: What You Should Know

Ii) For positions that offer seniority for a probationary period as a term of employment, applications should reflect an appropriate rate of pay for positions at the equivalent level of seniority (i.e., 50% seniority or higher) and the position should not be advertised for any position that falls in the same seniority category as the one for which the applicant holds an initial or subsequent appointment. See section 6 above,  [724 ILLS 5/6 (The Illinois Vehicle Code)] See this page for the complete text of the Code. (7) An applicant for a position in the Illinois State Police, a peace officer in another state, an Illinois State Police sworn auxiliary member, or an emergency medical services agency employee who has had no experience as a police officer shall not be considered for the position.  (8) An applicant for an Illinois State Police officer's position shall provide three references on the application form provided. (9) An applicant for employment in the Illinois State Police shall provide an official statement of a physical examination, psychological examination confirming the mental and emotional stability (or lack of) necessary to perform the essential functions of the State of Illinois Police and a personal statement of personal motivations that includes a description and documentation of education, training, employment, service and volunteer experience. (10) A spouse, child, or parent of a member of either of the Armed Forces of the United States or the National Guard, as defined in Section 1-1 of this Act, or any other person who can provide a personal reference, shall provide a personal reference if approved by a supervisor, if the supervisor is satisfied that the reference is relevant and credible. (11) A candidate or an employee who intends to work in the private sector in an Illinois law enforcement agency shall list the law enforcement agency as his or her employer in his or her application for employment. (Source: Illinois General Assembly Public Law 79-1467) (Authority: P.A. 99-697, eff.

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